Of mud..and having Faith
Our great oak now stands clear of surrounding debris, banks of rubble and random intruders. The landscape is beginning to take shape while the earth is sculpted and scraped around it. Amidst its roots the drainage pipes have been laid. Now the snowdrops will have sufficient light to grow. Followed by the bluebells in the spring. Its been a productive but increasingly muddy few months on the farm. We've had a flurry of activity in the fields, clearing the cut wood, processing it and then moving it to season in the barn. Thank goodness we were talked into using a processing unit – a magic piece of kit that has saved us days and days of back breaking cutting and splitting. At one end you feed in cut and cleaned off straight tree trunks. It gets sawn, in our case into 12” chunks, then it gets split and then via a conveyor belt spat out into a trailer. We then dump it and stack it and hey presto....an hour of work c...